How Does School Wound
An article most of us can resonate with for ourselves and our children.
Resources from Arts & Ideas Sudbury School
"Here is a list of a just a few of our favourite readings and links related to our school and the way we do things."
A collection of articles from Hudson Valley School
What Happens When Students Control Their Own Education? - The Atlantic
When a New Hampshire district found itself struggling with low test scores and high turnover, it made a radical decision: Flip the traditional model and let kids take over the classrooms.
What Happens When Students Control Their Own Education? - S P Jain School of Global Management
"While teaching in class, I realize that when students are given ownership of their learning, the outcome is more positive..."
You Can't Do Sudbury at Home
Sudbury schools are unique places where children are given the same freedoms and rights as adults, and are given a place to practice being an adult.
Improving executive function with fewer structured activities
"The more time that children spent in less-structured activities, the better their self-directed executive functioning, the researchers discovered. The opposite was true of structured activities, which correlated with poorer self-directed executive functioning."
Freedom to Learn
The roles of play and curiosity as foundations for learning.
Life at Sudbury Valley
Interviews with former students and excerpts from SVS books.
To Advance Education, We Must First Reimagine Society.
The Ten Signs You Need to Find a Different Kind of Education for Your Child
Many parents don't realize that the education world has changed drastically since they were in school
School is a prison - and damaging our kids
Parents send their children to school with the best of intentions, believing that's what they need to become productive and happy adults.
Articles and blogs written by parents of Sudbury school students.
Circle School Graduates in 2015
​College Attendance, Academic Degrees, and Occupations
Self-Directed Learning: A Tool for Lifelong Learning
Journal of Marketing Education
Stefanie L. Boyer, Diane R. Edmondson, Andrew B. Artis, ...
First Published July 9, 2013 Research Article
Abstract: A meta-analytic review of self-directed learning (SDL) research over 30 years, five countries, and across multiple academic disciplines is used to explore its relationships with five key nomologically related constructs for effective workplace learning. The meta-analysis revealed positive relationships between SDL and internal locus of control, motivation, performance, self-efficacy, and support. The use of an actual SDL project in an undergraduate sales management course and an MBA selling and sales management course is used to provide supporting evidence and practical advice for educators seeking to use SDL to promote lifelong learning skills in students.
Democratic Schooling: What Happens to Young People Who Have Charge of Their Own Education?
​American Journal of Education
Peter Gray and David Chanoff, "Democratic Schooling: What Happens to Young People Who Have Charge of Their Own Education?," American Journal of Education 94, no. 2 (Feb., 1986): 182-213.
Abstract: A follow-up study was conducted of the graduates of the Sudbury Valley School (SVS), a democratically administered primary and secondary school that has no learning requirements but rather supports students' self-directed activities. Although these individuals educated themselves in ways that are enormously different from what occurs at traditional schools, they have had no apparent difficulty being admitted to or adjusting to the demands of traditional higher education and have been successful in a wide variety of careers. Graduates reported that for higher education and careers, the school benefited them by allowing them to develop their own interests and by fostering such traits as personal responsibility, initiative, curiosity, ability to communicate well with people regardless of status, and continued appreciation and practice of democratic values.